Emerging as a prominent and trustworthy name in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector, Bangladesh is a land of prospects and opportunities. In ready-made garments and pharmaceuticals we have already resembled to excellence and supremacy worldwide. Whereas considering as young in ICT sector we delivers world class service.
Tertiary educated, efficient and result driven manpower with established infrastructure you can confidently enunciate ‘Bangladesh’ as the upcoming role model in this sphere. We have been progressing by leaps and bounds in the last few years in creating a benchmark. Personal achievements in this sector are mention-able but this is the high time to establish IT industry as a one point solution.

Emerging Economy
Positive macro economic constancy, tremendous GDP growth rate (6.3 percent in 2015), investment friendly environment, and mark of education bring home to Next 11 Emerging Markets. Next Eleven is an index of eleven countries with strong possibility of becoming one of the world’s dominant economies.
Gartner, Inc. had identified Bangladesh as one of the top 30 countries for IT outsourcing destination. European Union (EU) marked Bangladesh among top 20 IT outsourcing destinations.
Skilled Human Resource
Currently over 70,000 skilled IT professionals are working in around 1,500 software development and various IT service companies. Excellence of Bangladeshi software engineers are well acknowledged in domestic and international market. More than 100 universities and 1400 colleges are producing around 15,000 graduates in IT-related areas every year to meet the future industry demand. Most of these IT graduates also acquire vendor certifications like Microsoft, Cisco, and Oracle to meet the global competence.
Cost Benefit
Services and products delivered by Bangladeshi software companies are less costly than other offshore destinations in terms of both human resource and infrastructure costs. In current scenario we offers 40% less price tag keeping the same service/product quality benchmark comparing to countries like India, China, and Philippines.
Language Advantage
education system has the 3rd largest number of enrolment in English courses within the non-speaking developing countries, at secondary and higher secondary level. Tempting two thirds young population with world-class education system creates a highly potential youth pool having the competence in verbal and written English. No doubt that Off-shoring services will flourish in such an environment.
Government Support
Our Government declared ICT as a ‘High Priority’ export sector and formulated supportive policies to boost this sector. The government is restless in magnetizing foreign investment and Bangladesh has already authenticated export competitiveness by liberal FDI policies, flexible tax policies, providing investor protection, and infrastructural facilities.
Progressive Infrastructure
Fast technological development in recent years and uninterrupted power supply made Bangladesh a perfect suit for information driven service industry. Technology infrastructures like fiber connectivity, dedicated broadband, 3G are spreading country-wide in a rapid speed.
Janata Tower, first Software Technology Park in the country went in operation last year. Gazipur Hi-Tech Park project which will be a breeding zone for tech companies and entrepreneurs is under construction.
Industry Associations
National trade bodies like Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC), and Bangladesh Association of Call Center & Outsourcing (BACCO) are working to develop an information technology industry friendly environment in the country. These associations frequently connect with concerned government authorities and other related stakeholders to make ensure the growth of the sector.
According to the World Bank, Bangladesh held the 130th position out of 189 countries in ‘ease of doing business’ in 2014 which is higher than India (134). The favourable environment to the software and IT services industry in Bangladesh is not only encouraging international companies to setup offshore development centers here but also local companies like iXora Solution Ltd., which are competing in the global market with their beneficence.
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