Docker Essentials-Creating Custom Image Explained

Docker Essentials: Creating Custom Image Explained

Almost always, working with docker means, using images of other engineers as a base. Then we put our configurations on the top of these base images and serve our own purpose. This time, I am going to demonstrate, how to bake our own docker image.

To make a docker image developer-friendly, we use tagging on these images. I will also discuss how Docker uses the caching mechanism on image building to provide robust performance.

Create a Custom Image

To create our own image, we have to do the followings,

  • Create a dockerfile
  • Once a dockerfile is created, we will pass it to the docker client
  • This docker client will provide the image to the docker server
  • The docker-server will make the image. If we push the image to the Docker hub, then other engineers can use it.

dockerfile is a plain text file. It contains all the configs along with the startup commands to define how a docker container should behave. It determine what programs should be inside the container and how will these program will work around in the container star up

For each docker file, we can find the following similar pattern,

  • base image
  • Some config to install additional programs and dependencies that are required to create and execute the container program
  • A start-up command, that will be executed the moment a container start

Docker server does the most of heavy lifting while creating a image. It takes the docker file, go through the configuration and build the useable image


Let’s create our own docker image that will run a redis-server. We will do the following procedures

  1. Define base image
  2. Download and install the dependencies
  3. Instruct the images initial behavior

First, we will go through a couple of commands, codes, and scripts. If that does not make sense, please seat tight, I will explain every single line in the next section.


  • First, create a file named Dockerfiletouch Dockerfile
  • In the Dockerfile, add a base imageFROM alpine
  • Download the dependencyRUN apk add --update redis
  • Define the initial commandCMD ["redis-server"]
Diagram showing how to Creating a Docker file.

Finally our Dockerfile should be the following

FROM alpine
RUN apk add --update redis
CMD ["redis-server"]
Code language: CSS (css)

Now let’s build the container

docker build .

This will create the image and return the image_id.

Now we can run the container from the image_id using the followings,

docker run image_id

This will run the Redis server.

Dockerfile is a plain file with no extension

Dockerfile Teardown

We just going through the process of creating a docker image. But we have not explained what really happens there. Now let’s explain what actually we have done inside the Dockerfile configuration.

We ran 3 commands to build the image, and all three have a very similar pattern. Each command start with FROMRUN or CMD, called docker instruction and they took some arguments.

The FROM instruction specify a docker image we want to use as base. While we are preparing our custom image, the RUN execute some commands. The CMD specify, what should run on startup when our image will be used to create a new container.

Every line of configuration we are going to add inside the Dockerfile will always start with an instruction

A base image is an initial set of programs that can be used to to further customize the the image. Alpine is a base image that comes with a package manager named apk (Apache Package Manager). apk can be used to download the redis-server and install in the system.

With FROM alpine, we are using an initial operating system named alpine. This alpine the operating system has a couple of preinstalled programs, that are very much useful for what we are trying to accomplish. Since we are here to create redis server and we need to install some dependencies, alpine has these tools and programs preinstalled like apk.

With RUN apk add --update redis we download and install the server. Here apk is nothing related to the docker. It’s a dependency manager preinstalled in the base image, download and install the redis server.

The CMD ["redis-server"] ensure, when we create a container from this docker image, the Redis server will be started using redis-server command.

Table showing Dockerfile Instructions Example.

Image build process

To build an image from the Dockerfile, we use

docker build .

This ships our Dockerfile to the docker clientbuild is responsible for taking the Dockerfile and build an image out of it.

Diagram of flow for Creating an Image From Dockerfile.

The . is the build context. The build context contains all the set of files and folders that belongs to our project needs to wrap or encapsulate in our docker container.

If we notice the logs of the docker build ., we can see except the first instruction FROM alpine, every other instruction has an intermediary container that being removed automatically.

This means, except for the first step, each step took the container from the previous step, and the step itself acts as the startup instruction. Then when the step is done, it simply passes the updated file system snapshot and removes the temporary container from itself.

For the last step, it took the container from the previous step, and do not run itself as the start-up command. Instead, it only set itself as the first instruction and ensure if someone in the future creates and run the container out of the image, it then executes this last step as the startup instruction.

tldr; For each step, except first one, we take the image from the previous step, create a temporary container, execute instructions, make changes, took the snapshot of the file system and return the file system output as output, so it can be used as the image for the next step. For last step, the final instruction is considered as the start-up instruction of the docker container.

Rebuild image from the cache

Let’s update the Dockerfile with an additional command

RUN apk add --update gcc

Now the Dockerfile should be like

FROM alpine
RUN apk add --update redis
RUN apk add --update gcc
CMD ["redis-server"]
Code language: CSS (css)

Let’s build an image out of this Dockerfile,

docker build .

If we observer the logs closely, we see, in the second step, it does not create a intermediary container from the previous step. Instead, it is using the cache. So we do not need to install the redis-server multiple times. This gives the docker robustness and faster build performance.

From the instruction RUN apk add --update gcc it will create the intermediary container and since the file snapshot is being changed, it will do the same from the next steps.

If we build the image from the same Dockerfile for the 3rd time, it will take all the changes from the cache instead of the intermediary container.

An intermediary container is created from the previous step image and use to run current instruction, make changes, take the snapshot of the new changed file system and got removed. This snapshot is being used for the next step to create another intermediary container and goes on.

Altering the instruction sequence will not use the cache.

Table showing Docker ecosystem Build from Cache.

Tagging a docker image

Till now, we have created image from the Dockerfile and getting an image_id.

When we want a name instead of an image_id we can use the tagging.

To get a name, after a image being created, we can use the following

docker build -t user_name/image_name:version_number .

This will return

Successfully tagged user_name/image_name:version_number

Here the user_name is the username, that is used to login to the docker-hubimage_name is our desired image name. The version_number is the image version number. Instead of version_number we can use latest keyword to use the latest version number handled by the docker itself.

We can now run the docker with the tag

docker run user_name/image_name:version_number

Here only the version_number is the tag itself. The user_name itself is always the docker id and image_name is the project name or the repo name.

While running our tagged custom image we can ignore the version_number. It will simply take the latest version.

Hope this will give you an idea of how to build a custom image and the mechanism behind it. To learn more you can check out the official Docker tutorial on how to create a base image.

Feel free to leave any comments for clarification, improvements. Also, you can contact with iXora Solution expert teams for any consultation or coordination from here.

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