DFL - Project Manager

Key Problem

Difficulty managing tasks, internal and external team members, and projects with numerous tools. Not having the proper overview of who is doing what, how things are progressing, and what’s done and what’s left. Long status meetings and team members working on different projects from different places make it harder to get on a call sometimes just to keep track of things. Using multiple application to manage various parts of the work takes up a huge amount of time and resource from the actual work. Thus, DFL – Manager comes in as a solution, bringing real-time status report with workload and task management features to make project management a breeze.

Project Management and Resource Monitoring app for Microsoft Teams

DFL – The Manager’s resource planning feature helps monitor how you allocate different teams into different projects according to the skills and demand. Team management features define the project plan, time schedule, and workload in real time. The resource plan lets you manage teams in different time zones with ease. Always know where you stand with with real-time dashboard and reports to stay on top of things. It helps you schedule your resources with precision. Assign tasks, see how many hours team members are working, and whether they’re over- or under-tasked. Reassign tasks with a simple drag-and-drop so your team is always productive.

Easily create and update projects and move them through the project board with drag and drop feature as they go through the different stages of the project lifecycle. Assign resources, balance team workload, and always have the right people available for the job to keep projects on track. It keeps projects and teams moving without bottlenecks, complete within time, and without going over budget.

Incorporated resource plans and schedules into an existing workflow of larger project plan and task management, so everything can be managed in one online project planning software. This real-time status updates and project overview helps timely decision-making, enhances efficiency, and drives accountability. We utilized technologies such as ReactJS, HTML, Web API, SharePoint, .Net Core, Team App, and OAuth2 to craft a user-friendly and intuitive interface that simplifies project management and resource planning together harmoniously. Also, the integration of Microsoft Planner and iGlobe CRM all work seamlessly as a Microsoft Teams app to support the client workflow, still using Microsoft Planners task management features for managing individual and team tasks while getting the project and resource overview from this new solution.

Key Features

  • Work seamlessly with Microsoft Planner and Microsoft Teams app for project management. 
  • Easy to use resource planning to handle dynamic workloads and team structure.
  • Complete visualization of project and resource calendar with drag and drop feature to plan and manage quickly and easily.
  • Insightful reports to bridge resource gaps and improve on-time delivery rates.